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Forest of Mantas

Jimmy é um fantasma de uma criança que foi preso em uma poção onde inibem sua energia. Ele tem poderes de luz e pode guiá-lo e ajudá-lo com suas tarefas durante o jogo. No entanto, ele foi preso por um grupo de bruxas chamada de Mantas e seu objetivo e regatá-lo.


Jimmy is a ghost of a child who has been trapped in a potion where they instill his energy. It has light powers and can guide you and help you with your tasks during the game. However, he was arrested by a group of witches called Mantas and their aim and water ing it.

Render with Cycles

Render with Cycles

Render with Evee

Render with Evee

Representation of the use of color and light in the cauldron

3 Points Light - 10 W - White Color: #FFFFFF

Representation of the use of color and light in the cauldron

3 Points Light - 10 W - White Color: #FFFFFF

the use of color and light on the table and candles

Table 3 Point Light 
- 16 W Color: #AA4A34;
- 4 W Color: #FF6F4E;
- 6 W Color: #DADDEE;
Candle 6 Point Light

1º - 2 W Color: #FFC676
2º - 2 W Color: #FFC676
3º - 500 W Color: ""
4º - 2 W Color: ""

the use of color and light on the table and candles

Table 3 Point Light
- 16 W Color: #AA4A34;
- 4 W Color: #FF6F4E;
- 6 W Color: #DADDEE;
Candle 6 Point Light

1º - 2 W Color: #FFC676
2º - 2 W Color: #FFC676
3º - 500 W Color: ""
4º - 2 W Color: ""

Main color: #8000DA
Area Light: 100 W

Main color: #8000DA
Area Light: 100 W

Main Color: #BFD900
Area Light: 950 W

Main Color: #BFD900
Area Light: 950 W

all colors and light together, but still have another main light to create and fog effect

Main Color: #798A00
Strenght: 1500.000

all colors and light together, but still have another main light to create and fog effect

Main Color: #798A00
Strenght: 1500.000

Render with Cycles

Render with Cycles

Render with Evee

Render with Evee

Post production done in photoshop

Post production done in photoshop